


常勝軍馬刺 再捧NBA總冠軍

(路透聖安東尼奧15日電)聖安東尼奧馬刺今天104-87痛宰邁阿密熱火,勇奪美國職籃NBA總冠軍,締造輝煌戰。馬刺1999年在雙塔羅賓遜(David Robinson)和鄧肯(Tim Duncan)帶領下,勇奪隊史首座總冠軍。法籍得分後衛帕克(Tony Parker)、阿根廷籍控球後衛吉諾布里(Manu Ginobili)加入後,馬刺又在2003、2005、2007年總冠軍。馬刺現任總教練波波維奇(Gregg Popovich)參與這5次奪冠。馬刺隊史總冠軍數量為NBA史上第4多,前3分別是波士頓塞爾蒂克(17座)、洛杉磯湖人(16座)、芝加哥公牛(6座)。中央社(翻譯) Description Toggle View View View View View View View View 一對一英文家教老師 線上學英文文法 View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 San Antonio Spurs hold up the the Larry O'Brien NBA Championship Trophy after Game 5 of the NBA basketball finals against the Miami Heat on Sunday, June 15, 2014, in San Antonio. The Spurs won the NBA... 較多San Antonio Spurs hold up the the Larry O'Brien NBA Championship Trophy after Game 5 of the NBA basketball finals against the Miami Heat on Sunday, June 15, 2014, in San Antonio. The Spurs won the NBA championship 104-87. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez) 較少 1 / 30 Associated Press | 拍攝者 Tony Gutierrez 2014年6月16日週一 台北標準時間上午11時18分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

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